We register trademarks such as product names and company logos for exclusive use by your company and yourself.
When you register your trademark, you can prevent other people from using that trademark, which will enhance the brand value and protect its credibility. Registering a trademark takes time so it is essential to register one before it becomes well known.
We will conduct a simple trademark survey at the meeting stage as the right to a trademark cannot be acquired if a similar trademark already exists.
We can file applications for trademark registration on the day of application since prompt handling is essential.
Request for Trademark Registration Procedure
Make a phone call, send a mail message or use our inquiry form to make an inquiry. If you make an application via mail or use our inquiry form, we will get back to you as soon as we confirm it.
A meeting will be held about the trademark you want to register and the products you want to use the trademark for.
Trademark Survey
We will conduct a survey to determine whether there are other registered trademarks or pending trademarks with the same or similar trademark as the trademark you want to register for the products you want to use.
Preparing Application Documents
We prepare the application documents and the client checks them.
Application for Trademark Registration
We submit the application for trademark registration to the Japan Patent Office online.
A patent is an exclusive right granted to protect an invention.
When a patent right is granted, another company cannot copy it and use it as its own. A patent grants the holder exclusive rights to the manufacture and sale of products derived from an invention and allows the holder to exclude competition enabling him/her to dominate and increase his/her market share.
A patent protects an invention for 20 years (up to 25 years for pharmaceuticals).
Request for Patent Application Procedure
Make a phone call, send a mail message or use our inquiry form to make an inquiry. If you make an application via mail or use our inquiry form, we will get back to you as soon as we confirm it.
A meeting will be held to consider the nature of the application and the patent application policy. The applicant will need to present materials that describe the newly invented technology. For some patent applications several meetings may be required.
Verifying Prepared Application Documents and Their Content
We prepare the application documents and the client checks the documentation.
Preparing Application Documents
We submit the patent application documents to the Japan Patent Office online.
A utility model is a patent-like intellectual property right to protect inventions.
However, the condition of “shape or construction of articles or combination of articles” applies to a utility model. Since a manufacturing process does not relate to the shape of an article, a utility model registration cannot be made for it.
Since the registration of a utility model does not require an examination of its novelty, etc., the registration process takes between 4 - 6 months compared to 1 year and a half for patents.
If consulted, we will decide whether an application for a patent or utility model should be made.
Request for a Utility Model Registration
Make a phone call, send a mail message or use our inquiry form to make an inquiry. If you make an application via mail or use our inquiry form, we will get back to you as soon as we confirm it.
We will hold a meeting to determine our policy for the application for a utility model registration.
The applicant will need to present materials that describe the newly invented technology (objects, photos, drawings, etc.) If it is not possible to present objects, etc. describe the technology verbally or in writing.
Verifying Prepared Application Documents and Their Content
We prepare the application documents and the client checks the documentation. It takes about one or two weeks to prepare the application documents.
Preparing Application Documents
We submit the patent application documents to the Japan Patent Office online.
A design right protects mainly designs. It is possible to register an overall design or the design of a characteristic part of an article.
This right controls products using the design or similar design products. Although copyright may apply to objects, this right is limited to paintings and other art.
A design registration protects a design for up to 25 years and registering a design is recommended for properly protecting a design.
Application for Design Registration Procedure
Make a phone call, send a mail message or use our inquiry form to make an inquiry. If you make an application via mail or use our inquiry form, we will get back to you as soon as we confirm it.
We will hold a meeting to determine our policy for the application for design registration.
Verifying Prepared Application Documents and Their Content
We prepare the application documents and the client checks the documentation. It takes about one or two weeks to prepare the application documents.
Preparing Application Documents
We submit the patent application documents to the Japan Patent Office online.
[年中無休] 8:00~21:00
大阪府大阪市北区芝田1−1−4 阪急ターミナルビル16階